

While counteroffers may be tempting–and even flattering–there can be pitfalls that you need to be aware of. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Will your loyalty always be in question?
  • If there are future cutbacks, will you be the first to go because of concerns about your loyalty?
  • If you accept the counteroffer for more money, are you just giving your employer the time they need to locate and select your replacement?
  • Will your career track remain blocked if you accept it?
  • Will your responsibilities be expanded?
  • Will you have to report to a person you don’t respect?
  • Will you receive next year’s raise or bonus early?
  • Is the counteroffer a ploy to avoid a short-term inconvenience by your employer?
  • What are your realistic chances for promotions now that you have considered leaving?

Counteroffer Statistics

According to national surveys of employees that accept counteroffers, 50-80% voluntarily leave their employer within six months of accepting the counteroffer because of unkept promises. The majority of the balance of employees that accept counteroffers involuntarily leave (i.e., terminated, fired, laid off) their current employers within twelve months of accepting the counteroffer .

As attractive as counteroffers may appear, they greatly decrease your chances of achieving your career potential.